Why do many like dimmers for their dining room chandeliers? Is it to hide a soiled table cloth? No of course not, it’s to set the mood. The same is true when we use candles. They present a soft glow which makes us feel romantic and relaxed. When going to the beach, a bright sunny day excites us and we are able to think of all sorts of fun things to do. Often when sleep is a challenge, we wish for the sun to rise so we can just start our day. We love the light.
There are special floor and table lamps capable of helping our moods during the dark days of winter. The selection of fixtures and styles are numerous and in our search for the “right” light, we overlook the power of them. As we age, we need more light for reading or performing tasks. If we Google the word “light”, one definition is the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible. As you contemplate a new fixture for your home, remember; Light is more than you can see, it’s a feeling.