Have you ever had a home built? Or a deck? Maybe a screened porch? I work with builders and help their clients with lighting. I’ve walked many homes that were in the process of being built to help with the proper placement of lighting. I don’t often think of some of the necessary tools a builder requires. My brother was a builder and he passed on valuable lessons to our son. Instruments that are most fascinating to me are the plumb and the level. A plumb is a type of pendulum with a small weight suspended. It is used to measure and to find out for certain of a vertical straight line. A level is a kind of ruler with a reservoir filled with liquid. The use of a level is to make sure of alignment horizontally. Both of these instruments are crucial in determining the alignment of a house or wall. A structure must have good vertical and horizontal alignments in order to remain standing for a long time. If either alignment is ignored, a structure cannot withstand temperature changes, strong winds or water.
You might say tools of the trade for a lighting showroom besides knowledgeable salespeople are dimmers, bulbs, shades and repair parts. We offer lighting but often our clients are need of such instruments to help them better enjoy their lighting.
My brother is no longer with us but many homes he built are being enjoyed by families and I know they have appreciated not only his expertise but his sharp eye for detail and quality. The picture for this blog was one I gave him years ago.