Yow-Za, Yow-Za! Where do you think this lamp originated? Our lamp repairman is wonderful! He treats our customer’s lamps as if they were his own, taking great care to repair these beauties and give them new life. You see, while an old lamp may look as if it is ready for a retirement home, George is able to revive it with new sockets, wiring, cords, dimmers and innards.
We all have our favorite old lamps that may have belonged to love ones or were wedding gifts or have been in the family for years and we just cannot part with them. George repairs lamps right in our showroom, we don’t send them off. Repairing them on site allows for safe keeping of parts and pieces. Your lamp is usually ready in a couple of days unless a special part is required that we must order.
If you decide a new harp, saddle or shade is needed, we will be happy to help while your lamp is here. It is often said “you wouldn’t buy a hat without your head” and the same is true with lamps. Bring in your lamps so we can try on “hats” to see which is the best fit. We have a large selection and just the right one for you.